Esp32s Altium library
Altium designer 16 library for the Esp32S wifi-bluetooth module.
Library design base on the Espressif Esp-Wroom-32 module that should be the same as the Al thinker Esp32s.
Note: Design is not yet verified because I don’t have the module yet.
Update 9 Feb 2017: Finally I received the module. Good news it matches my Altium design.
Made also a wider footprint for people who want to solder the module by hand.
Nice library, however, all pins on the right side (pins 25 to 38) are swapped vertically!! For example, pin 25 should be GND, but in the schematic library, pin 38 is GND! So watch out!
Furthermore, I changed the size of all pads from 0.9 x 0.9 mm to 2.0 x 0.8mm.
Hi Moh,

Thanks for your comment, however it looks to me that the library is correct. I don’t see what’s wrong with it.
Have a look at the datasheet as mentioned in the post or at this picture:
However as mentioned in my post I still don’t have the module and can’t verify it. And maybe there are some different versions of the module around.
In the ESP32-WROOM-32 datasheet the thermal pad was 6mm x 6mm in the Sept 2016 spec but was changed to 4mm x 4mm in the Dec 9, 2016 version. It doesn’t look like the development kit gerbers didn’t even show a thermal pad.
You probably don’t want a 6mm square paste mask either. You can override the paste mask with a negative -6mm and then paste smaller fill rectangles to cover about 50% of the thermal pad.
Very good! Thank you!
A small note. The silk screen line crosses the contact pads. It will be better to remove it in these places.