Manchester Decode
This will decode the received manchester code on the pc-side, that’s coded by the Bascom sample .
'Manchester decoder VB5/6 Evert 2007 V1.0 Dim Mansword As Double Mansword = Highbyte 'Make a word out of the high and low byte Mansword = Mansword * 256 Mansword = Mansword + Lowbyte Manchesterdecode = 0 'Set output to zero For Lus = 1 To 8 'Run loop 8 times Manchesterdecode = Manchesterdecode * 2 'Shift the bit to the left If(mansword And 49152) = 16384 Then 'If the left 2 bits are 01 Manchesterdecode = Manchesterdecode + 1 ' Incr Output End If Mansword = Mansword * 4 'Shift bit 2x to the left Next Lus End Function