I2C Eeprom programmer
What is it?
It’s an Eeprom programmer controlled by Bascom Avr and is capable of programming in circuit Eeprom’s up to 512Kb. Standard Intel Hex8 file is required.
Extended Linear Address Records for Eeprom’s bigger then 16bits addresses is not (yet) supported, but easy to implant.
I wrote it primary for my other application note RC2 sound / voice playback to upload the sound files to the i2c Eeprom.
Special thanks to Mark from Mcselec how has added in the vb6 an asm to intelhex routine so Atmel studio is not needed anymore.
Required tools
For the Pc side there’s an upload program that sends the Intel Hex file to the AVR.
Program is written in VB6-Sp6, source code is also available.
The code
Code is written and tested in Bascom license.
Download the Bascom source code here
'-------------------------------------------------------------------- ' I2C Eeprom programmer 'Upload your Eeprom files through serial connection in the I2c Eeprom ' No extended address supported, so max 512K Eeprom ' By Evert Dekker 2008 i2cprogrammer@Evertdekker dotje com ' Created with Bascom-Avr: '-------------------------------------------------------------------- $regfile = "m128def.DAT" $crystal = 16000000 $baud = 19200 $hwstack = 70 $swstack = 70 $framesize = 60 $lib "I2C_TWI.LBX" 'Setting up i2c hardware bus Config Twi = 400000 'Hardware i2c bus speed Config Scl = Portd.0 'TWI (i2c) ports on the Mega128 Config Sda = Portd.1 Const Addressw = &B10100000 'slave write address eeprom Const Addressr = &B10100001 'slave read address eeprom Dim Startbyte As Byte , Instring As String * 45 , Complete As Bit Dim Temp As Byte , Temps As String * 3 Dim Bytecount As Byte , Addresshigh As Byte , Addresslow As Byte , Recordtype As Byte , Databyte(16) As Byte , Checksm As Byte Dim Lus As Byte , Pos As Byte , Checksum_calc As Byte , Checksum_error As Bit Enable Urxc Enable Interrupts On Urxc Bytereceived_isr '=== Main === Do If Complete = 1 Then 'Wait until the buffer is filled with one line Gosub Process_buffer 'Process the buffer Gosub Calculate_checksum 'Calculate the cheksum If Recordtype = &H01 Then 'EOF finished, send a ACK and return Print "Y"; Else If Checksum_error = 0 Then 'If there's no error continue Select Case Recordtype 'do something with the recordtype Case &H00 'Data byte Gosub Prog_eeprom 'Recordtype &H00 = databyte, so lets programm the Eeprom Case &H02 'Extended Linear Address Records, not (yet) supported nop End Select Print "Y"; 'Checksum ok, send a ACK Else Print "Z"; 'Checksum error send a Nack End If End If Complete = 0 : Instring = "" 'Reset the variable End If Loop End '=== Subroutines === Prog_eeprom: I2cstart 'start condition I2cwbyte Addressw 'slave address I2cwbyte Addresshigh 'Highaddress of EEPROM I2cwbyte Addresslow 'Lowaddress of EEPROM For Lus = 1 To Bytecount I2cwbyte Databyte(lus) 'value to write Next Lus I2cstop 'stop condition Waitms 10 'wait for 10 milliseconds Return Process_buffer: Temps = Mid(instring , 1 , 2) : Bytecount = Hexval(temps) 'Read the numbers of bytes Temps = Mid(instring , 3 , 2) : Addresshigh = Hexval(temps) 'Read the high adress Temps = Mid(instring , 5 , 2) : Addresslow = Hexval(temps) 'Read the low adress Temps = Mid(instring , 7 , 2) : Recordtype = Hexval(temps) 'Read the recordtype For Lus = 1 To Bytecount 'Process the number of data bytes Pos = Lus * 2 Pos = Pos + 7 Temps = Mid(instring , Pos , 2) : Databyte(lus) = Hexval(temps) 'Read the databytes Next Lus Pos = Pos + 2 'read the last byte Temps = Mid(instring , Pos , 2) : Checksm = Hexval(temps) 'Read checksum Return Calculate_checksum: Temp = 0 'Add up all the databytes Temp = Temp + Bytecount Temp = Temp + Addresshigh Temp = Temp + Addresslow Temp = Temp + Recordtype For Lus = 1 To Bytecount Temp = Temp + Databyte(lus) Next Lus Checksum_calc = 256 - Temp 'taking its two's complement If Checksum_calc <> Checksm Then 'Compare it with the readed value Checksum_error = 1 Else Checksum_error = 0 End If Return Bytereceived_isr: Temp = Udr 'get the binary value that came across If Temp = &H0D Then 'Received CR = end of line, line complete If Len(instring) < 8 Then 'To short, startover again Complete = 0 Instring = "" Else Complete = 1 'String is complete set the flag End If End If If Startbyte = &H3A Then 'we have previously received the start byte and this is now data If Temp > &H0F Then 'Add incoming data to buffer Instring = Instring + Chr(temp) If Len(instring) > 45 Then Instring = "" 'String is to long, reset and startover again End If End If If Temp = &H3A Then 'if we received an : then its the beginning of an new line. Startbyte = Temp Complete = 0 Instring = "" End If Return
Hello Evert.
I enjoy your posts on the Bascom site. I want to help my 9 year old granddaughter build your talking dice, but realise that I need to program the EEProm. I don’t have the obsolete mega128. Do you think that another Mega88 would work? Thanks, Ross
Hi Ross,
Every Atmel avr chip will work if they have a i2c (twi) an uart port.
Mega88 is perfect for it, just change the $regfile at the top of the program.
Have fun building it.
Thanks for the reply Evert. So if I use the ISP for programming I could use a Pro Mini Arduino board perhaps. Would be quicker to get it all done. Will give it a try.